The Art of Goldsmithing and Jewelry

Italy & Joy - Servizi

Florence has always been well known to those who love jewelry, goldsmithing, silversmithing and precious objects.
Florence has been home to artisanal goldsmithing since the middle ages. During the renaissance, famous international artists such as Cellini, Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, Donatello and Luca della Robbia worked in goldsmithing workshops. The city of Florence still boasts many artisan workshops and laboratories which make creative, refined pieces. The majority of workshops can be found in the city center, in some of the most captivating locations.
We have chosen the best and highly qualified artisans who offer personalized services such as bespoke jewelry or personalized jewelry based on the request of the client. All jewelry is made to the highest standards, in the unmistakable Florentine tradition.


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